
    If you're under a starry sky, do look up!

    *Click on the image to watch my eclipse animation on my Instagram feed.

    Grab your binoculars and head outside – it’s eclipse season, and tonight is the night of the total lunar eclipse! I watched the entire 2015 event and it was indeed a celestial few hours.

    So, the moon will begin to enter Earth’s shadow this evening, May 15, at around 10:30 ET.  At 11:30-ish, totality will begin, with the maximum eclipse taking place at 0:11am ET on May 16. This is the most fascinating phase to watch, as the moon will turn a gorgeous reddish hue. The partial phase that follows will begin just after 1am and last about one hour, bringing the eclipse to a close a few minutes before 2am ET.  I’m on the West Coast and it’s raining today, but if you’re under a starry sky, do look up ! 

    For those interested in the astrological significance of this eclipse, it's happening in the fixed sign of Scorpio at 25:18 degrees. This eclipse will be more significant if you have planets from 21 to 29 degrees in any of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius).  If you’re interested in reading more about the astrology around this particular eclipse, there is loads of info posted online – or search out your favourite astrologers on Instagram. I read my rising sign rather than my sun sign because the house placement is of more interest to me.     x Hatsy


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